Club Rules
Body-focused repetitive behaviors are associated with far too much shame and stigma. Sadly, shame and stigma that don't come just from people who simply don't know better, but also from mental health professionals. Our club is different. This is the only truly safe space online. In order to keep it that way, we have a few rules that we ask you to follow.
1. You are allowed to share anything, as long as you share it respectfully.
2. We encourage you to share feedback on other people's entries but make sure to respect the boundaries they set.
3. Communicate your needs clearly.
4. Any form of discrimination based on sex, gender, race, religion any other grounds will result in immediate expulsion from the club.
5. Whatever you're selling - don't sell it here. The BFRB Club is not a place for you to advertise your service or sell products.
6. We all need validation, so in addition to seeking it, we can give it. Encourage your fellow travelers whenever you can.
7. Be honest, be vulnerable. This is not a place to put up a fake front.
8. The club content stays in the club. You may tell others to register, but you may not share anything that is posted in the club: a safe space is only safe if it's also confidential.
9. Keep an open mind and be willing to try out new even unorthodox approaches. Solutions are often found in the most unexpected places.
10. Check in at least once a week. Write about your successes and your failures: we grow by accepting and staying accountable.